Why Cosmetic Surgery Isn't For Everyone

We’ve all been tempted at one point or another - from Instagram filters to the never-ending pressure for women to remain a certain age while men are allowed to age ‘gracefully…’ As women, the social world (and patriarchy - let’s call it what it is) has taught women to place an imbalanced weight on the opinions of others as a source for value.

Over here, we’re focused on aging on our own terms, to the best of our ability. From having too many friends who regretted their decisions to being wary of the homogenized appearance of so many cosmetic surgery results to the simple fact that in all honesty, we like ourselves more than we ever have - and therefore feel less of a need to hide who we are these days, we’ve stayed away from any ‘enhanced youth’ treatments thus far. But we also don’t believe in shunning those who are curious about procedures or those who elect to get them. As long as it’s not a big to buy happiness, acts of empowerment come in all shapes and forms.

So for those curious, here’s a general information breakdown about cosmetic surgery and procedures, as well as some factors to consider before making the decision to proceed.

General information about cosmetic surgery and procedures

Cosmetic surgery is a type of elective surgery that is performed to alter the appearance of a person. It can involve procedures to change the face, body, breasts, or skin. What most people don’t know is that cosmetic surgery is different from plastic surgery, which is performed to correct functional problems or to reconstruct parts of the body after an injury or illness.

Cosmetic surgery is performed solely for aesthetic reasons, while plastic surgery can be either cosmetic or reconstructive in nature. Reconstructive plastic surgery includes procedures such as breast reconstruction after mastectomy, while cosmetic plastic surgery includes procedures such as breast augmentation.

The most popular cosmetic surgery procedures

Some of the most popular types of cosmetic surgeries include liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose job), blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), facelift, and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). Breast augmentations and fat transfers (to all kinds of places) are also increasingly popular and are among the most common cosmetic procedures carried out today.

Important factors to consider before getting cosmetic surgery or procedures

The most important factor to consider before getting any kind of cosmetic surgery or procedure is the motivation for doing so. Are you looking to adjust your appearance in a way that’s solely for yourself? Or are you trying to please someone else? It doesn’t have to be a tangible person either - external pressures and influences can be collective. It's crucial to be honest with yourself about this - it keeps regret away (post cosmetic surgery regret is a very real thing, btw) and helps determine whether or not cosmetic surgery or a particular procedure is right for you - or if there might be a different way to arrive at the same feeling or goal you’re trying to achieve.

Additionally - if considering cosmetic surgery because you're unhappy with a specific aspect of your appearance, it's important to make sure that the procedure you're interested in will actually address your concerns. For example, if you're unhappy with your nose, getting a rhinoplasty could give the results you're looking for. However, if your goal is simply to look "different," it's important to keep in mind that even successful cosmetic surgeries often leave patients looking only slightly different than they did before. In other words, don't expect to completely transform your appearance through cosmetic surgery. This is another reason why asking for specific features of celebrities is generally a no-no. Not only will you not end up looking like said celebrity, but there’s zero guarantee that plopping someone’s feature on your face will be harmonious.

It's also important to be realistic about the results of any given procedure. Even though modern surgical techniques and technology have made significant advances in recent years, there are still limitations to what can be accomplished through surgery. If you're expecting perfection from a cosmetic procedure, you'll likely be disappointed.

The risks and potential complications of cosmetic surgery or procedures

Another factor to consider before undergoing any kind of cosmetic surgery or procedure is the risk of complications and side effects associated with the procedure itself. While serious complications from cosmetic surgery are relatively rare, they can occur. For example, bleeding and infection are possible risks associated with all types of surgery. Additionally, some specific procedures come with their own set of potential complications. For instance, rhinoplasty can sometimes result in difficulty breathing through the nose due to swelling after the surgery.

If you notice a problem after going through a cosmetic procedure of any kind, make sure to seek professional attention right away. Going back to the doctor and consulting the surgeon that carried out the procedure is vital. Some problems are associated with particular procedures as we mentioned. For example, if you suffer breast implant rupture after a breast augmentation, that would require attention from your surgeon. 

Before undergoing any kind of cosmetic procedure, be sure to ask your surgeon about the risks and potential complications associated with the specific procedure you're interested in. Once again, it's important to be realistic about what can be accomplished through surgery; even minor procedures come with some risk of complication or side effects. By being aware of these risks ahead of time, you can make an informed decision about whether or not the benefits of undergoing a particular procedure outweigh the risks involved.

How to find a qualified cosmetic surgeon or doctor

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, it is important to choose a qualified surgeon or doctor. One way to find a qualified provider is to ask for referrals from your regular doctor or trusted friends and family members. They may be able to recommend a reputable surgeon or doctor in your area. Definitely take your time when looking for the right option as it's not something that you should rush into.

Do your own research online and read reviews from previous patients

In addition to asking for recommendations, do your own research online. Look for reputable websites that provide information about cosmetic surgery providers in your area. Read reviews from previous patients to get an idea of ​​what their experience was like. That will give you a feel for what you should expect from your own procedure when you go ahead with it.

Schedule consultations with multiple surgeons or doctors before making a final decision

It is important to schedule consultations with multiple surgeons or doctors before making a final decision. This will give you an opportunity to ask questions and get more information about the risks and benefits of the procedure you are considering.

If considering getting cosmetic surgery or procedures, it's important to do the research and understand all the potential risks and complications.

It’s also recommended to wait an extended period of time before scheduling the appointment. Be sure to consult with a qualified surgeon or doctor who can answer all questions and help you make an informed decision - and then shelf the idea for a year. If you still feel the same in a year, you’ll be more likely to have a clear concept of what you truly want and limit potential for regrets.

StyleTienlyn JacobsonBeauty