Get The Home Ready For The Holidays

The holiday season is a time to get together with family and friends, whether virtually or in person. It’s also a great opportunity to spruce up the home and make it festive for the occasion. But getting the home ready for the holidays doesn’t have to be a huge process, especially if it’s broken down into a few simple steps.

Clean Up

We like to start by giving the home a thorough cleaning. This is probably the biggest step, but the results go much further than just the holiday season - it makes going into the New Year that much easier. But for the holidays, it offers a fresh canvas to work off of, as well as help ensure that any allergens are removed from the living space. It’s also a great time to to get professionals to do some cleaning and maintenance like vent cleaning services or carpet cleaners - something we like to do in the winter when the heating system is on nonstop and the windows generally stay closed.

Get Organized

The kitchen is perhaps the most important room in any holiday gathering, so now is a great time to make sure it looks its best and is in good functional, working order. Organize the cabinets and drawers prior to the company arriving, so everyone knows where everything is located and serving and hosting is effortless. Investing in a few pieces of new cookware and dinnerware is also a great way to elevate holiday cooking.

Get Cozy

If having guests over for the holidays, it’s important to make sure that the home is comfortable and inviting. Create cozy seating arrangements with plush cushions and blankets, light some scented candles for ambiance, and create an entertaining space by stocking up on board games and movies. Consider adding a festive touch to the furniture such as a holiday tablecloth or throw pillows.

Stock Up on Holiday Essentials

No holiday gathering is complete without a few festive touches. Stock up on some paper or melamine plates and cups with seasonal designs, as well as napkins and utensils. Add some twinkle lights around the room to give it an extra merry feel, or hang up a few colorful banners or streamers.

Remember to get food and drinks sorted out in advance as well. In addition to stocking up on some non-perishable items, make a grocery list of all the ingredients needed for recipes and snacks ahead of time. Who knows, you might be lucky and get a family member or guest to swoop some up for you.

Get Festive

It’s time to start decorating! Make things truly unique by creating homemade decor, or go the more traditional route with a few classic seasonal pieces. And festiveness goes beyond just the decor - be sure to create a festive atmosphere by playing some seasonal music or setting up a light display outside. Doing this will help spread the holiday cheer throughout your home and make it more inviting for family and friends. Board games and puzzles are also fun activities to keep everyone entertained.

Getting the home ready for the holidays doesn’t have to be stressful or time-consuming. Simple changes like rearranging furniture, investing in new cookware, or adding decorative touches can make all the difference when it comes to creating an inviting space that everyone can enjoy.