The Various Delivery Methods Mothers Should Know About

Friends, relatives, and care providers throw an abundance of information at expecting mothers. A pregnant woman constantly hears about how she should deliver her baby and which method is best. Understanding all the options available to us is essential to making the most suitable decision regarding our personal preferences, circumstances, and lifestyles when it comes to the birthing experience. Let’s take a closer look at the various delivery methods all mothers should know.

Unassisted Natural Birth

Many mothers view their birth with an open mind and the goal of having an unassisted natural birth. But what does this mean? This option can look like many different things, and only the mother determines the level of intervention she receives. For most, an unassisted birth means a non-medicated, vaginal delivery, with the comfort and care of her trusted support team at her side.

Natural Birth With Water

Along the same lines as an unassisted natural birth, women can choose a similar birthing method with water support. The warm water will serve as the relief she needs to relax, focus, and find comfort.

Natural birth with water typically occurs at a birthing center or the mother’s home, and there are many mental preparation tips you can follow to assist in the delivery. If this is your goal, speak with your care provider early to review risks and potential outcomes.

Delivery by Cesarean

There are several reasons women deliver their babies via cesarean. You can plan a cesarean, or it may be the luck of the draw based on emergency situations, gestation, or other external factors.

The critical things to understand about delivery by cesarean are that it is a feasible option, you will recover, and you are incredibly courageous for experiencing it. There is a lot of stigma surrounding delivery by cesarean, but if it’s best for you, ignore the noise and focus on the health of you and your family.


A VBAC is a vaginal birth after a cesarean. While this option is not suitable for everyone, it is on the table if you and your care provider feel comfortable exploring it.

Your care provider will outline the risks and potential outcomes to inform you fully. If you are in the right mental, emotional, and physical state, it’s an option to consider. This birth helps you avoid some complications, but like all options on this list, it is not without its own unique challenges.

Delivery With Forceps

A delivery with forceps is usually not something you plan, and most often, the forceps aid the mother in her vaginal delivery. It isn’t easy to know the baby’s size dropping through the birth canal. Should a mother struggle to push, a pair of spoon-like forceps can wrap around the baby’s position and assist in a clean exit.

Understanding the various delivery methods available to you as a mother is a critical part of deciding to bring children into this world. How you give birth can outline the course of your postpartum experience and ultimately affect your well-being. Knowing your options and partnering with your care provider are vital as you seek out what is most suitable for you.

MotherhoodKate Romeo