Key Healthy Habits To Start This Summer

Ready for the long dog days of summer? With the warmest season soon upon us, it’s prime time to kickstart a metamorphosis of healthy change. But with so much going on in our daily lives, wrapping our heads around health-related variables can often fall by the wayside.

Making a commitment to self-care and taking incremental, positive steps can lead to benefits right away, and help concrete actions into habits. Here are key healthy actions to take this summer to that make a big difference and will help form positive habits for the long haul.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Healthy eating is all well and good for our minds and bodies. That said, take to heart the unmatchable importance of pure, plain water. We all learned in school that about 60 percent of the average adult human’s body is water. And yet almost half of us don’t drink enough of the stuff.

We greatly underestimate the impact of dehydration on our moods and fluctuating feelings. A lack of proper hydration can also often lead to lingering headaches and concentration hang-ups. One trick is to drink a glass of water every time you enter the kitchen until eventually it’s automatic and you don’t have to think about it anymore. Another great trick is to invest in a water bottle that holds the amount of water you’re supposed to drink for the day. The great thing about drinking a ton of water is that if you do it regularly enough, you start to crave it and it becomes easier and easier.

Get In a Groove: Stick To Fitness Goals

As women, we face a variety of marketing ploys from the fitness and beauty businesses. The fact of the matter is that health and fitness doesn’t have to be complicated, costly or crazy. All we need are attainable, practical goals and some regularity.

While we all have our own specific ideas of what fitness means to us, a general consensus is that getting stuck in a sedentary lifestyle is draining to the soul and detrimental to our bones.

Regular, consistent movement is the best requisite for a successful fitness routine. Consider alternatives to make exercise goals less stressful, more fun, or more feasible. Wake up earlier for a morning jog or yoga session. Consider investing in a swim spa or other piece of equipment for convenient backyard or at-home workouts. Dig out your bicycle and ride to the store, or take a jaunt around the neighborhood with the family. You truly can create a zealous lifetime of healthy changes with solely 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Daily Nourishment: Always Contribute Something

One of the key healthy habits to start this summer is to seek out opportunities for joy and sustenance on a daily basis. Lean into the laid-back attitude of summertime. Take time away from screens to do something for yourself and others. Help a stranger. Plant a garden. Donate to volunteer to a charity. Have a conversation with a loved one. Make an effort to bring something to the table that nourishes the mind, body, and soul from top to bottom. All of these things are just as essential to your wellness as exercise or diet. With purpose and perspective, you’ll have a steady foundation to build a bigger picture of health and wellness that suits your own unique lifestyle.