Trying To Conceive? Read This.


It's not unusual to start trying to conceive thinking that it's probably not going to take long. After all, it happens accidentally all the time. Unfortunately, it's not always as quick as you might like it to be, and you can spend months or longer trying to get that positive pregnancy test. When you've been trying for a while, it can start to get you down, and you may find yourself worrying that it might never happen. Fortunately, there are ways for you to cope during your journey to pregnancy and parenthood. Here are some of the things that you can do to make it a little easier.

Get the Right Medical Support

According to experts, if you have been trying for a year without success, there may be an underlying problem that is causing issues with fertility. Efforts to find a solution could range from simple lifestyle changes to IVF from a clinic like Advanced Fertility. Even if you don’t think there is anything, just ruling out any possible medical causes is useful for peace of mind.

Ensure You Have Emotional Support

Emotional support is absolutely crucial when you're trying to conceive, even if all you feel right now is the thrill of a future family. Aside from pregnancy and being a new parent itself, trying to conceive can be one of the most vulnerable and emotional times for you and your partner. You should discuss how you're feeling with your partner as well as with friends or family if you feel that you can lean on them. However it's not always easy to find people who understand, so you might benefit from joining a support group. You can attend one in person, or you can find online forums where you can discuss how you're feeling. Whatever you choose, finding the right emotional support can make it a lot easier to cope with struggling to conceive.

Keep Living Your Life

Trying to have a baby can take over your whole life. When it’s something that you want more than anything, it can definitely become all consuming. However, it's crucial that you don't turn it into the only important thing in your life. Not only does this put added stress on your relationship, the process, and your happiness, but it can also affect your personal mental health, which has a huge effect on your body. You need to continue with other aspects of your life, from work to keeping up with friends and family, as well as engaging in hobbies and just enjoying life overall. Having outlets to distract you and remind you that life is good will help you deal with your feelings with a clear mind.


If you find yourself obsessed with tracking ovulation, timing sex, and taking pregnancy tests, it might be time to relax. The more you obsess over getting pregnant, the more stressed it will make you. And believe it or not, stress could affect your ability to conceive. And it's definitely unlikely to make the process particularly enjoyable. Relaxing a little by ditching the constant pregnancy tests, injecting romance back into the process, or just taking some time for yourself could really help you in your journey to conceive.