This Is Your Permission To Have Fun

As an adult (and especially one with kids), there’s nothing quite like taking a day just for yourself - if you can figure out how to relax. Life is busy. 

There are some days you may find yourself wanting to just hide away from the rest of the world, endlessly scrolling through your favorite online shopping sites (like in old sweats with a bag of Doritos. Then there are other days where a walk with zero screen time is what fills the soul. But either way, making regular time to do your thing is crucial. Here are seven ways to unwind that you’re more than deserving of.

  • Set yourself up with the coziest accessories on the sofa, like your fave hoodie and blanket, and pop on a TV show. There are so many guilty pleasure shows out there that we cannot possibly list them off for you, but binge vibes is sometimes just the ultimate indulgence. Snuggling down on the sofa and comfy clothes in with some blankets? That sounds like perfection to us.

  • Relax in the bath. There is no such thing as not having the time to relax. You have to make the time and that means asking somebody else to watch the kids or sit them in front of the screens for a little while. But if you want a truly relaxing bath without startling at every sound, wait until they are in bed (and actually asleep). You can sink into the bubbles and really enjoy every second that you have in the bath.

  • Get your friends together. Okay so this is less about relaxation and more about having fun with your friends, but you can combine the two with the help of a spa day. Getting the girls together and spending time being rubbed, pampered and laughing in the sauna is one of the best ways to spend your time. You can take yourself out of your everyday routines and be buffed and polished by the end of it. It’s a good way to really restore yourself as a person who isn’t just a worker or a parent.

  • Read as often as you can. How often do you read? When was the last time you picked up a book and actually had a chance to smell the pages while you were reading it? Reading doesn’t necessarily have to be your thing, but it’s such a pleasure to be able to look in the book and get lost in a story that somebody else has written. There are other mindful activities that you can do, but reading can be so relaxing and it can really give you time to come out of your life and go into somebody else’s.

  • Sleep! One of the truest ways to relax – have an early night. Would you prefer to stay up late and watch TV when it is your me time or go to bed early and sink into your bedding so that you can wake up fresh and ready to start the day the next day? It may be tempting to stay up as late as you want, but there’s nothing quite like the restoration that you feel after a good night's sleep.

  • Listen to good music. Putting on your favorite songs and having a 30 second dance party around your bedroom sounds like a childish thing today – but we don’t grow out of such childish things. Even as grown ups, we still delight in fun, silly things and there’s nothing quite like a personal dance party just for you.

  • Go for a walk. Unwinding and having fun is just as easy to achieve when you are in the depth of nature. Put on your shorts and boots and head for a walk, just make sure you’re not going somewhere with anything deadly on the grass!