Skincare: The New Mom Edition

Becoming a new mom is a special and yet hectic time in life. And that’s putting it mildly. In fact, it’s kind of the time of life where literally everything we knew about ourselves is challenged in ways we may have never even imagined possible. Sleep is fleeting, time to ourselves is unheard of, and no matter how much you re-read Bringing Up Bébé, life really does revolve around that incredibly demanding bundle of joy. It’s a time when we want to make everything in our daily routines as simple and quick as possible because, quite frankly, there isn’t time for anything else.

So to boil it down to the basics that will still keep the regime highly effective, we listed out just the basics on what you need to know to adjust your routine accordingly - and nothing else.

Identify Your Skin Type

It's totally normal for skin to go through a lot of changes during and after pregnancy. So before you start any sort of skincare routine, you might need to not only identify your skin type - but re-identify it post-partum. This will allow you to pick products that will offer the best results for what your skin is experiencing now.

Generally, the five different types of skin are:

  • Sensitive

  • Oily

  • Dry

  • Normal

  • Combination

And FYI - not only can pregnancy change your skin type, but so can the weather/climate and your age. So just be aware that while some postpartum changes will be temporary, some may stick around.

Pro Tip: Cut To The Chase With A Skincare Kit

One of the greatest pro tips we ever heard was to purchase a complete skincare set or kit. While this seems less personal at first, skincare kits have been upgraded in the last few years to offer options for all skin types as well as customization. A good kit can provide the basics in an everyday routine, eliminating the need to do research and shop around for separate products. One of our favorite options for new moms is the AESOP Balance Classic Skin Care Kit. And since it’s meant for combination skin, it addresses individual needs while giving you the cleanser, toner and hydrator all in one convenient kit. Quality skincare from AESOP features high-end plant-based organic ingredients, lovely formulations and beautiful natural scents. There are also variations with bigger and smaller kits depending on your needs.

Never Skip Sunscreen

Perhaps one of the most important skincare tips for new moms (and actually anyone) is to make sure you don't skip applying sunscreen daily. Even if you do nothing else other than wash your face, applying SPF is a must. This will protect your face from sunburn obviously and from sun damage. Bonus - if you’ve dealt with melasma during your pregnancy, being diligent with the sunscreen can actually help it fade more quickly.

Use Multi-Functional Products

Because time is in short supply, it makes sense to choose products that can do multiple things at once. For example, a tinted moisturizer with SPF fulfills several functions in one. It will even out your skin tone, moisturize your skin, and provide you with SPF coverage. And you get to save yourself time and hassle by using just one product. However if you are planning on being in the sun for prolonged periods of time, we also recommend topping off that SPF as the amount in combination products is great for indoor days but when it comes to direct sun, they need a little support.

Exfoliate to Reveal Brighter More Even-Toned Skin

As mentioned prior a common complaint new moms have is melasma. Melasma looks like blotches or splotches on your skin - typically brown or gray looking. These tend to happen during pregnancy and are a result of increased amounts of hormones. In general, they fade over time after giving birth - but aside from sunscreen, you can also speed up the process by exfoliating regularly. Look for a product that contains AHAs, which are alpha-hydroxy acid, as these do a great job at fading dark spots.