Long Term and Seasonal Storage Tips

While we always prefer decluttering to keeping unused items, there are certain things that are occasional, sentimental, or seasonal that just don’t fit into our daily lives but we still need/want to keep on hand. Add in a move or kids or a renovation and storage solutions start becoming a total necessity. Here’s a few of our favorite storage solution tips:

Find A Storage Solution That Works For You

Find a storage solution one that fits your unique needs. This starts with assessing what you want to store, which means putting it all in one place to see how much you have, what kind of care it might need, and what kind of accessibility to the items you will want. If you have a ton of extra belongings you don’t need access to daily, you might want to consider renting a storage unit. This will give you plenty of space to store everything safely and securely. Need it more often or have a larger home? Another great idea that doesn’t cost an additional monthly premium would be your garage or a shed to store your belongings. Just make sure the location is safe and dry and not in direct sunlight or near any pests - and has climate control if that’s needed for your items.

Store Your Belongings In A Safe And Secure Location

No matter where you store things, it’s essential to choose a storage solution that is safe and secure to protect your belongings from damage or theft. Ensure the site is well-lit, locked, and that there is security footage or someone who can watch over the area.

Label Your Boxes Or Containers

If you're going to be storing many items, it's crucial to label each box or container. This will make it easy to find what you need when you need it. You can also include a list of the contents on the label, so you don't have to open every single box every time you need something. We also like using see through boxes for quick reference - but again, that depends on what you’re storing in it and if it’s sensitive to light or heat.

Create An Inventory

It's a good idea to create an inventory of everything you're storing, especially if you're renting a storage unit. This will help ensure that nothing gets lost or damaged while in storage. It's also a good idea to keep track of the expiration dates for any food or medications that you're storing. We love using list making apps for this, or Notion, which we’re slowly becoming completely addicted to. We also love the idea of printing out a list and leaving it on the door or wall of the storage area for quick reference. It’s crazy how much this can help cut down on hopeless rummaging.

Rotate Your Stock 

It's good to rotate your stock regularly, especially if you're storing food or medications. This will help prevent any items from becoming damaged or expired items getting lost in your goods. But even if it’s just items you still use regularly, moving them around will keep them from getting too musty or damaged. Once a season is usually enough and coincides conveniently with the amount of times we generally go through storage.

Make There’s Enough Space 

One of the biggest mistakes with storage is overcrowding it, making it difficult to find things. Make sure you have enough space to store everything comfortably and see everything well enough. This will help keep your belongings organized and easy to find.

Storage For Your More Significant Items

Flyover roof carports are a great way to store a boat or caravan. These structures are designed to provide shelter for your vehicle, and they can be custom-made to fit any size boat or caravan. A flyover carport is made from high-quality materials, so you can be sure your boat or caravan will be safe and protected from the weather. They're also very functional, and they can help increase the value of your home.