How To Make Your Bathroom More Eco-Friendly

There are many ways we can cut costs on our water bills with today’s technology. If you’re looking to keep money in your pocket, renovating your bathroom may be the long-term solution you’re looking for. Learn how to make your bathroom more eco-friendly with our guide to help save the environment and your wallet.

Use Earth Friendly Materials

If you’re revamping your bathroom or building a new one, earth-friendly materials are cheap and sustainable. For example, bamboo, concrete, glass, and reclaimed wood are all more affordable than traditional marble or granite, and they can be just as beautiful. Use eco-friendly wallpaper instead of harsh lead paint. While the up-front cost of wallpaper is higher, paint requires more long-term maintenance and can become expensive over time.

Also, if you find yourself using the lights in your bathroom more often than not, switch them to LEDs. Again, the upfront cost may seem more expensive, but they use considerably less power, take much more time to overheat, and help offset carbon emissions.

Upgrade Your Shower

If you have a tub, you’re in luck! Typically, they contain porcelain, an Earth-friendly material, and bathing in tubs uses less water. However, if you’re unwilling to give up your shower, there are a few ways to make that eco-friendly as well.

Some people have a habit of taking hot showers, which they may not realize contributes to their heating bill. Also, instead of letting the water run, turn it off while you’re lathering, and turn it on to rinse.

However, the ultimate eco-friendly shower upgrade is a low-flow shower. While some may think this will reduce the shower pressure, low-flow showers aerate the water to give it that much-needed pressurized feel.

It’s also possible to upgrade all your water fixtures to low flow. Your faucets and toilets can use aerated water so that you can keep money in your pocket.

Switch to Options That Save You Money

Keep in mind that the type of water heater you have, whether storage or tankless, can contribute to how much money you spend. While tankless heaters are also more expensive up-front, they are fantastic at saving you money on all your future electric and water bills.

Additionally, you might want to do the same for the toilet as current eco-friendly options can use significantly less water - plus, you can often get a rebate upon purchase.

Hopefully, you use these tips to make your bathroom more eco-friendly so that you can save your hard-earned money. You can start using some of these tips today, so don’t hesitate to take control of your water bill!