How To Do Better for the Environment This Summer

Summer is the time for ice-cold lemonade, sunny afternoons, and memorable road trips. As we lay out plans for this vibrant season, we might wonder how to do better for our planet. While the summer is a season of leisure and fun, it’s also a fantastic time to adopt eco-friendly practices. Let’s explore how to do better for the environment while unpacking fun plans this summer.

Reimagine Travel

Travel is synonymous with summer. Before booking a flight, consider low-impact alternatives like trains, buses, and carpooling. These modes of transportation produce fewer carbon emissions than air travel and can offer scenic routes and new experiences. If you want total control over your transportation, a cycling trip could be a great workout and an immersion into nature’s serenity.

Eco-conscious travelers can select accommodations with green certifications, which minimize waste and support local economies.

Say No to Single-Use Plastics

Barbecues and beach parties often come with a side of plastic waste, which might enter the ecosystem. Make a pact to avoid single-use plastics by bringing reusable cutlery, straws, and containers for your picnics and outdoor feasts this summer. You can even find stylish and practical options for your cutlery!

Green Your Diet

Summer’s bounty is not just about the sunshine but also the variety of fruits and veggies it brings. Instead of dining out and buying from the grocery store, consider going to the farmer’s market or joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) group to get fresh produce. Eating what’s in season and locally available controls the carbon emissions that come from transporting and refrigerating food. Plus, it’s fresher and tastier!

Volunteer for Nature

With longer days in hand, we can dedicate our time to the environment. Local clean-up drives, tree-planting events, or volunteering with wildlife conservation projects can be a rewarding way to give back. This hands-on approach benefits nature and can be a therapeutic escape from the digital world, fostering a deeper connection with the environment.

Foster the Buzz

While not the most obvious choice, an innovative and engaging way to do good for the environment is through beekeeping. Wondering how beekeeping is good for the environment? Bees are essential parts of every ecosystem because they pollinate the plants that we harvest for food. By tending to a bee colony, you’re supporting local ecosystems. If you can’t keep bees, planting bee-friendly gardens or supporting local beekeepers by buying their honey can be a sweet way to aid in their preservation.

Summer is the season of vitality, making it the perfect time to become more eco-friendly and renew our commitment to the planet. By following these eco-friendly tips, you’ll enjoy a beautiful summer and contribute to a healthier planet. Each small step navigates you through ways to do better for the environment this summer.