Do These 4 Things If Your Thinking Of Selling Your Home

Getting the keys to your new house is one thing, but getting your old home sold before that is quite another. After all, it’s a big deal to sell your house. Regardless of how long you’ve lived there, it’s a long and stressful process before you finally get to the point of exchanging contracts.

While a total pre-sale cosmetic overhaul might be out of the question, one of the easiest ways to catch the eye of any potential buyer is to highlight all the useful features about your home. And that means fixing up anything that really needs it before putting it out there. With the right preparation, you can showcase to buyers what you've got while selling your home fast for the best possible price. While some things will be our of your control, No matter where you live, or what your home is like, just a few simple upgrades can make your home perfect for the right buyer. Jump below for four different tasks to tackle that will make a world of difference to buyers, according to some of the best real estate agents in the business.

Fix Your Front Door

First impression is everything! The front of the house is the first thing that people will see when they approach. Knowing that your front door has fixtures hanging off it or needs a new lick of paint is one thing. But now that the house is for sale, it’s time to get the job done. Repaint the front door and keep it sleek with bold, simple fixtures - a door knocker and a letterbox are standard. Remember, you want a range of people to be wowed the instant they see the house.

image: pexels

image: pexels

Get The Garage Sorted

Speaking of doors, a garage door service is next on the list to ensure that yours is still working great. There’s nothing like a screeching garage door to make a potential buyer wonder what else isn’t up to par with a house. While some projects are great for DIY, when it comes to garage doors, it’s better to let the professionals in to service it. While interior design choices are often personal, a working garage door is pretty universal. And since the garage can have quite an impact on the sale of a house, so getting those garage doors fixed and ready is definitely near the top of your fix-it list.

Check Your Pipes

It’s always a good idea to have a plumber come in and do a check of the pipes both on the inside and the outside of the house. You may not have experienced many leaks, but it’s still a smart plan to have someone in to look. No one wants to sell a house that floods shortly after a sale…

Consider AC.

Do you need AC repair? If your AC is on the blink or you don’t have it at all, then it could be time to invest! In many cities, the purchase is usually not worthwhile. Are you just missing a breath of fresh air? Then a fan could be a good and cheaper alternative to expensive air conditioners but if not, then AC is the way forward. Especially in large rooms. Rooms with direct sunlight or poorly insulated attic apartments, will not cool on their own sufficiently. An AC unit may help. If you choose to buy a fan instead of an AC unit, just beware that the operating noises from the compressor and fan are loud and can disturb sleep. When buying, pay attention to the information in dB (decibels) for the volume of the devices: The quietest devices are not louder than 60 dB. AC doesn’t make this kind of noise! Also, fans cannot lower the temperature in the room like an air conditioner, but they do provide a pleasant cooling. The air moves and feels cooler but when it stops, the temperature returns to its high level. A little like a heater does. AC will greatly improve the value of your house. This is something to consider if you want to gain a little more for your money! Check the pipes, the heating and the AC for maximum financial gain and a quicker way to sell your home!

A Spark Of Light

Do your bulbs sometimes flash or flicker in your house? The right electrician can make a huge difference to your electrics and wiring. You need the house to be safe, and with safe wiring comes much less of a risk of fire. Quick tip: get your whole home checked over for any bad wiring before doing any major cosmetic work so you don’t have to backtrack in case there’s a larger project that needs addressing.

LivingTienlyn Jacobson