3 Individual Things We Can Do To Reduce Environmental Impact

The environment is a fragile balance of different ecosystems, all which face the threat of destruction. Uplifting, we know. But with human activity leading to deforestation, climate change, and pollution, taking steps to reduce our impact on the planet is an inevitable duty for each and every one of us. To that end, there are small changes we can all make to help protect the environment. These might seem insignificant in isolation, but when multiplied across millions of people and repeated throughout time will have a significant impact on the future state of our natural world. You can do many things as an individual to reduce your environmental impact, and this blog post will show you exactly how. In fact, you might already be doing some of these things without even realizing it!

Reduce Meat Consumption

Meat production significantly impacts the environment, and reducing your meat intake is one of the best ways to reduce your environmental impact. Livestock accounts for around 18% of greenhouse gas emissions each year, most of which comes from methane released by cattle. In addition, livestock farming accounts for approximately 80% of all antibiotics produced in the USA, leading to increased antibiotic resistance in humans. Moreover, most farmland is used for livestock grazing and feed production rather than growing crops to feed humans directly. This land could be used to grow crops to feed far more people if it were used to produce crops directly rather than feed livestock raised for meat. You can reduce your meat intake by opting for vegetarian or vegan meals more often, eating less meat at each meal, or replacing meat with foods such as beans or tofu. 

Drive Less

One of the best ways to protect the environment is to drive less. This is particularly important in areas where the air is polluted, as this pollution can be reduced if people drive less. Driving less also means that less fuel will be used, which will, in turn, reduce carbon dioxide emissions. You can start driving less today by taking the following actions:

  • Plan ahead - journey planning will allow you to avoid driving at peak times, when more people are on the roads and highways, and be more efficient with your driving—reducing your overall impact.

  • Share rides - carpooling can reduce your journey times and emissions, as well as help to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

  • Use public transportation - public transportation is an excellent way of reducing your carbon footprint.

  • Walk or cycle to work - these are great ways to avoid driving. They’ll also strengthen your body, improve your mental health, and help you get to work sooner! 

Use More Natural Products

Many everyday household products contain toxic chemicals that harm the environment. For example, many laundry detergents contain synthetic fragrances, which can pollute the environment and harm wildlife. Switch to a more natural detergent, and you can avoid this. You can also;

  • Switch to more natural cleaning products - these will reduce your overall chemical exposure. 

  • Choose natural fragrances - switch to fragrances that use natural ingredients, such as essential oils.

  • Choose natural makeup products - you can buy Natural Lipsticks & Lipgloss to reduce chemicals in your makeup.

  • Use organic fabrics - choose organic materials over synthetic fabrics, as they pollute the environment less during production.

  • Choose natural materials - opt for natural materials over synthetic materials, wherever possible.

Reducing environmental impact isn’t something that needs to be done once and then forgotten about. This is a continuous process that requires regular upkeep and maintenance. There are many ways to reduce your environmental impact—most of which are simple and cost-effective. Start making these changes today, and you’ll soon notice the positive effects on your health, the environment, and wallet.