5 Common Furnace Problems Every Homeowner Should Know

All of us must deal with furnace issues from time to time. Thinking of this appliance going kaput is a chilling thought, especially when the weather outside isn’t favorable. Every homeowner should know the common furnace problems they could face so that they can work to correct the issue as soon as possible.

Lack of Maintenance

Your furnace is silently chugging away, often forgotten behind the walls and under the floorboards, while dust and neglect build up into potential problems. Regular maintenance can increase the lifespan of your furnace. When was the last time a professional technician checked your heating system? If it’s been a while, you might want to consider setting up an appointment.

Dirty Filters

Dirty filters can block your furnace’s airflow, leading to a weaker performance. A sluggish furnace is an inefficient one, and that means higher bills for you. Luckily, this issue is more about being clean than being a whiz technician. Swap your filters regularly—once every couple of months is good practice, but check them monthly during heavy-use periods.

Ignition or Pilot Control Issues

When your furnace doesn’t fire up, it’s likely facing ignition problems. No spark could mean a wiring fault, or perhaps the control module is on the fritz. Check your pilot light; if it’s flickering, call in some professional help. Keeping your local technician’s phone number handy is vital for a quick fix.

Thermostat Problems

A thermostat is a furnace’s right-hand machine, dictating when to turn up the heat. A wonky thermostat can lead your furnace to overwork or under-deliver. Test your thermostat’s accuracy by using a separate thermometer in the room. If you notice a difference between the two, consider installing a new thermostat.

Uneven Heating or No Heat

Does one room in your home become a lot hotter than another one? Uneven heating can have a host of causes, from blockages to malfunctioning blowers, dampers, or even a failing system altogether. It may be tempting to DIY this issue, but the wrong move could lead to more costly issues. It’s always best to call a professional when the going gets rough.

Addressing these common furnace problems every homeowner should know isn’t just home wisdom; it’s a chilly-season survival guide. Don’t wait until your toes are the color of an iceberg to deal with these issues; face them head-on so that you can get back to the warmth.