Reno Disaster? Protect Yourself From A Bad Contractor


We’re not saying that hiring a contractor will immediately put you in a bad situation. In most cases, when you’re looking to make a home improvement that requires a higher skill level than you’re comfortable with yourself, a contractor can definitely be key. More often than not, your contractor will do a great job and your home will look amazing. But in the off-chance that something goes drastically wrong, dealing with the aftermath can be tough. Here are a few ways to protect yourself.

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Word Of Mouth Referrals Are Key

Protecting yourself starts with choosing to work with vetted people. A great way to start is by checking online for contractors with high SEO rankings, as often that means they have a long history in their field and as well as quite a few positive reviews.

While referrals online can definitely be helpful, going through actual friends or or family is often the best idea. That way your source is not only a trusted one, but you can feel confident they want the best for you.

Seek Legal Advice 

Finding yourself in a bad situation can happen to anyone. Before you do anything else, seek legal advice. It’s important to be educated about the best way to proceed before proceeding and to document it as you go. In some cases, your contractor may argue that the work is fine and refuse to make any amendments or pay for damage. If they left the house in a dangerous state and you end up getting injured, work with the best injury lawyers in town to make sure you get a fair settlement. It is difficult to navigate these situations on your own without legal advice, so you should speak with a lawyer before you do anything else. 

Fire And Replace Them 

While it might be tempting to raise your concerns and get your original contractor to fix the problem, it’s important to remember that if the quality of work was bad the first time around, there’s a high chance it won’t be any different the second time around. Replacing them with a reliable contractor will not only give you a fresh set of eyes, but it will allow for you to start fresh yourself. Your home has a big impact on your mood and it’s not good for your wellbeing to live in a home that is half finished.

File A Claim Against Their Insurance 

Contractors should have liability insurance to protect clients against damage or injury. The insurance company should cover the cost of fixing any work that isn’t up to scratch, so you need to file a claim right away. Unfortunately, the contractor may argue that the standard of the work is fine and the insurance company may refuse to pay out because many policies only cover injury or damage to the property rather than poor quality of work. This is where legal professionals can help you fight your case. FYI, these cases tend to take a long time to settle, but if you have a good lawyer and stand your ground, you often have a good chance of winning in court. 

And probably most key of all, if you are unhappy with work that a contractor is doing on your home, it’s important that you speak up right away before they do any more damage. Your home is your sanctuary and you can’t afford to make any compromises.