
I’ve never really been a leave-it-in-the-hands-of-my-hairdresser type girl (control freak alert), but every since I started having my hair colored at Sassoon Salon, I’ve gotten a lot more open to experimentation. Last visit, I started edging my way towards a rose gold hue, and this time, we decided to take the rose gold in a slightly different direction, as in a little more red, but still on the natural end of things.

I’ve actually never really thought that I could pull off reddish hues until I started working with Sassoon Salon, but according to my friend the color guru, aka Color Director Nathan Booth, I totally could. And he was right.

In fact, he told me that red is actually a much easier color to pull off than people might think - and for a range of skin tones! The trick is in how extreme you want to go - and to always start a little more subtly, like how I did here, to make sure you like it first!

Nathan also gave the following tips, that I thought were really important to mention - because getting the hair of your dreams doesn’t end when you leave the salon.

  1. Use the right products that won’t strip your hair of your new lush color. Avoid products with sulfates and parabens and you’re already halfway there.

  2. To fully enjoy your new color, think of it as an accessory. Make sure you match or pair your hair with your outfit!

I’m loving this color so much that I’m seriously thinking of going even more red next time - like, Jessica Rabbit level red.  Guys - should I go for it?!?!





Photos by Kelsey Bollig