Editor's Pick: Favorite Activities That Enhance Our Sense of Wellbeing

This time of year, there are many things in the world that can bring us down. And spending more time on our screens this time of year, is definitely one of them But there are also plenty of material (as in, in-the-world and not in-our-heads) activities that can build us up, refresh our sense of well-being, and help to reframe our mindset. In lieu of the new year around the corner, we decided to share our editors’ favorite uplifting material activities that don’t require any screen time whatsoever.

Leslie: Practicing Yoga

Yoga is one of my ultimate feel-good activities. The moment I step on the mat, my focus begins to shift - I enter a sacred space and the mental landscape changes. At the beginning of my practice, I can feel terrible and my mind is running a million miles a minute - but at the end, I always feel so much better - even when I didn’t have the best class. Just going through the motion is a shift i its own.

JOhannes: Riding A Bicycle

For me, riding a bicycle is one of the most powerful ways to feel better - it’s an uplifting, engaging experience that gives me a sense of freedom while gently exercising my body at the same time - and more importantly, gets my circulation going.

My favorite thing to do, when I have a chunk of time, is to find a new track I’ve never been to before and just see where it goes. Exploring my local area and attempting to discover something new is such a great way to feel preset.

Jill: Gardening

Gardening is how I feel better - and quickly. I’m out in nature, doing something productive with my hands. And I’m creating beauty. It’s a win-win. It also reminds me that every living thing has a cycle and that change is a part of life, which helps me accept change in my own life!

Manuella: Squash

Getting together with a friend to play a game of squash is a favorite mood-boosting activity. It’s active and fast-paced, so I can’t help but focus on the sport in front of me and not my millions of other concerns, etc. Squash is a great social activity, aside from being a physical healer. And, as an added bonus, a wonderful way to keep fit.

Kelsey: Watch An Uplifting Movie

Many of today’s movies are dark and post-modern, denying our humanity. But there are others, such as Moonrise the movie, that really celebrate it. While I love a good cynical flick, opting for an uplifting film that speaks to an issue I love or care about really draws me in and changes my mood. 

TIENLyN: ArrangING Flowers

Flower arranging is a great pastime for feeling better quickly. It’s meditative and creates an instant sense of calm. I also love that it’s a collaboration between myself and the plants - I never know quite how it’s gong to turn out, which is always a lovely surprise. Plus, it helps give me a sense of order that my toddler does not - which is greatly appreciated.

Rae: Go Camping

For me, nature is a wonderful healer and camping is one of the best ways to get close to it. Leaving the house behind for a few nights and trading it for canvas can have a transformative effect on the psyche - and both reminds of what I don’t really need as well as makes me grateful for what I do have when I return!

Maya: Ice Skating

It’s hard to feel bad when I’m skating around on the ice at high speed, listening to music. The feeling of gliding gives me a sense of weightlessness.