Aging With Grace Sans Surgery


Let's face it, aging is non-negotiable. Unless we die young, none of us can avoid growing old. But how we grow old is something we have far more control over. There are so many different things that will help us look and feel more energized and youthful, sans surgery.

Before we get into it, however, just a quick note that the intention of this article is not to tell you that you should not be taking your medications as has been prescribed by your doctor. If you have health issues related to the heart, or anything else, make sure that you are regular in terms of your medications. To know more about how you can easily ingest and swallow medications as a senior, read more.

Banish Ultra-Processed Foods From Your Diet 

One of the best things that we can do to help yourself stay as fit and healthy as ever despite your age is to banish ultra-processed foods from our diet, focusing instead on consuming the most natural whole foods that we can source. In modern times the most popular food stuffs are no longer 'real' food, as they go through many different manufacturing processes to transform from raw ingredients into something ready-to-wear. During these processes, almost all of the ingredients' nutritional value is lost, and many detrimental artificial ingredients like preservatives and flavors are added that can further impact on our well-being. Making the decision to say goodbye to processed foods by making all of our own meals and snacks at home from fresh ingredients will improve our health like nothing else, and we may find that we have more energy than ever before! 

Get Regular Exercise

As we age, it's likely that we might begin to feel more tired and less motivated. This can mean that exercise is one of the last things on our to-do list, as it's far easier to chill out on the couch rather than get up and head outside to workout. However, exercise is essential if we want to grow old gracefully and stay well for longer. Consistency is also key, as we really need to work out regularly in order to promote great cardiovascular health, maintain bone strength and keep our joints in tip top condition! Even doing something as simple as taking a daily walk around the block is enough to keep us active and full of beans.

Develop A Consistent Skincare Routine

Developing our own unique skincare routines that can promote healthy, toned skin will help dramatically when attempting to hold onto a more youthful look, as minimizing fine lines and other signs of aging can make us feel more refreshed and invigorated. Locating a good quality anti-wrinkle serum is half of the battle. Do your research, learn the ingredients that help - and just as importantly, learn the ingredients that can harm, as many skincare products have both.

Laugh Often

There is a direct correlation to joy and maintaining youthfulness. We think it has a lot to do with not taking anything quite too seriously. Finding the joy in any situation helps us remember why we love being alive - and keeps things light. Besides, wouldn’t you rather have laugh lines than frown lines? Just saying.