Do These Things For An Effortlessly Tidy Home

Modern life is busy, many of us feel as though we are constantly struggling to keep life running smoothly. Often, the biggest pain point is getting those everyday tasks finished with enough time to enjoy the results in between cycles. And right at the top of those everyday tasks is keeping a house that’s clean and tidy. 

First, let’s just address that no home will ever be perfect while fully lived in. But having a relatively well-kept home that’s clean and tidy can also truly make a profound difference on how we feel. A cluttered, untidy home makes our minds feel cluttered too. When the home is messy or needs a good clean, it’s harder to relax and even harder to feel organized, let alone in control of life. In this sense, keeping the home tidy, aka visually pleasing and functional, is an act of self care. Here are some of our favorite little tricks to keep the home looking relatively tidy on any given day, even with a busy lifestyle.

A Good Old Fashioned Decluttering Sesh

Decluttering the home can be a surprisingly cathartic experience, on top on giving us back a ton of our time. All those piles of paperwork left abandoned on the kitchen side, the clothes stacked up in the bedroom rather than in the closet, and all those items that don’t have a proper ‘home’ can weigh heavily on our minds without us even realizing. Plus, when everything has a home, we save precious minutes - hours even - a day just spent rummaging around for everyday items.

Another great thing about decluttering is that clearing out the clutter and removing excess items can have an instant impact on how we feel - in fact, it can even become addictive it we let it. Decluttering has been linked to a renewed sense of optimism, higher energy levels, decreased decision fatigue, and better focus. Keeping just things we love and selling or donating those that we no longer want or need may sound like a small thing, but it can have a powerful influence on how the home looks and how we feel.

Schedule Some Help

We love a budget, but there are two things we believe in spending on and that’s therapy and house cleaning. In this day and age, we often feel under pressure to do everything ourselves. And while our culture encourages (or rather, romanticizes) the concept of powering through, it’s often far more effective to take a moment to reassess the value of our time and energy, and where it might be best to ask for help. Money put toward Reliable House Cleaning Services is money well spent as the return on our time, energy, and mental wellbeing is significantly higher.

Tidy as We Go

Paying for a cleaning company to take care of the bulk of the cleaning is an excellent way to keep the house looking and feeling great. But that doesn’t mean it’s all hands off in between cleans. Simply put, the easiest way to keep a house tidy is to tidy as we go. Putting things away as soon as we’ve have used them helps make the action become a habit, leaving it feeling less like work the more it becomes purely instinctual.